Lady Deborah and I, along with our staff and church family, would like to welcome you to The Hope Church. We are excited that you are taking this moment to consider becoming a member of our church family. Truly God has given us a tremendous vision to change communities by changing lives locally and globally, and we would be honored if you would join us in this pursuit.
I invite you to scan our website and even read our church’s history. I’m sure you will quickly gain an appreciation for our humble beginnings and see the Father’s favor upon this house throughout the years. There is so much work to be done and we have adopted the mindset that we all have been called and appointed to edify the body for the work of ministry according to Ephesians 4:11-13. We know that God’s church is His people. God rules, reigns, and shares His love through us. We are here to serve you and your family, and pray that you will be blessed by your decision to become a part of this ministry.
Serving By His Grace,
++Allen & Lady Deborah Wiggins